Checkout error codes
In this guide, you will see information about errors that occurred in the Checkout APIs and orderForm.
API Checkout Error Codes
During Checkout API requests, some error codes may appear as a message in the response body. See the meaning of each one of them:
Error Code | Message | Meaning |
CHK002 | "The endpoint to gateway has not been provided" | Gateway authentication error. |
CHK003 | "Access denied" | Authentication error (error or missing AppKey and AppToken information). |
CHK004 | "There is no active transaction for current payment" | Error creating and activating payment transaction. |
CHK007 | "There isn't any payment system available" | There are no payment methods available. |
CHK008 | "Section {0} is not recognized" | Cart session was not recognized. |
CHK0010 | "There isn't any sales channel available" | There are no sales channels available. |
CHK0011 | "There isn't any culture info available for the current store" | There is no culture information available for the store. |
CHK0012 | "A communication error with gateway has occurred and the payment data for transaction {0} not successfully received" | There was a communication error with the gateway and the payment data for the transaction {0} was not correctly received. |
CHK0013 | "The endpoint to Fulfillment has not been provided" | The URL for Fulfillment was not provided. |
CHK0016 | "Payment value does not match with reference value" | Payment value does not match the reference value. |
CHK0017 | "The Order Form Text field has exceeded the character limit" | Exceeded maximum number of characters. |
CHK0019 | "Please select the desired number of installments" | Unable to determine the number of installments for the payment method. |
CHK0020 | "A communication error with profile system has occurred" | There was a communication error with the System Profile. |
CHK0021 | "A communication error with gift card system has occurred" | There was a communication error with the GiftCard provider or the informed Giftcard does not exist. |
CHK0022 | "Invalid id for item" | Missing or incorrect Item Id information. |
CHK0023 | "Invalid quantity for item" | Missing or incorrect item quantity information. |
CHK0024 | "Invalid seller for item" | Missing or incorrect seller information. |
CHK0025 | "Invalid price for item" | Missing or incorrect price information. |
CHK0026 | "A communication error with Configuration System has occurred" | There was a communication error with the Settings System. |
CHK0027 | "A communication error with License Manager System has occurred" | There was a communication error with the License Manager. |
CHK0028 | "A communication error with Authentication System has occurred" | There was a communication error with the VTEXID authentication system. |
CHK0029 | "Invalid active flag for item" | Invalid item active flag. |
CHK0030 | "Invalid id for product" | Invalid product id. |
CHK0031 | "Invalid id for item for seller" | Invalid seller item id. |
CHK0032 | "Invalid item for sales channel" | Invalid item for sales channel. |
CHK0033 | "Invalid item categories" | Invalid item categories. |
CHK0034 | "The value of the change exceed the order's price" | The modified value in the order is invalid. |
CHK0035 | "Removed item does not exist in order" | The modified item in the order is invalid. |
CHK0036 | "Invalid store for check-in" | Invalid store id. |
CHK0037 | "The {0} field in the store registry is invalid" | The field in the store record is invalid. |
CHK0038 | "The {0} field in the marketing attachment is invalid" | Marketing Attachement field value is invalid. |
CHK0039 | "A communication error with CRM has occurred" | There was a communication error with the CRM. |
CHK0040 | "The postal code field not accept the characters: < > ? + " ; % *" | Character value is invalid. |
CHK0041 | "Invalid item index" | Index item value is invalid. |
CHK0042 | "Same item cannot have more than one SLA selectedSame item cannot have more than one SLA selected" | Different delivery SLA values for the same item. |
CHK0043 | "A communication error with Audit System has occurred" | There was a communication error with the Audit system. |
CHK0044 | "A communication error with installments has occurred" | Unable to get purchase installment options. |
CHK0045 | "Seller {0} is inactive" | The seller is inactive. |
CHK0046 | "The change of seller cannot be performed when the order has a payment split other than a credit card" | Unable to modify the seller in the order. |
CHK0047 | "Seller switching can only be done in the payment-pending and waiting-for-authorization states" | Unable to modify seller due to current order status. |
CHK0048 | "A communication error with Session System has occurred" | There was a communication error with the Session system. |
CHK0049 | "Max allowed price tables for request exceeded: {0}" | Price table validation error. |
CHK0050 | "Invalid campaign" | Invalid campaign. |
CHK0051 | "Max allowed changes for order exceeded: {0}" | Maximum number of changes to order exceeded. |
CHK0052 | "A communication error with Token System has occurred" | There was a communication error with the Token System. |
CHK0053 | "Invalid price tag" | Error when using priceTag to apply discount/promotion. |
CHK0054 | "Invalid value for refund" or "Order {0} dont have value to refund" | The desired amount for the refund is greater than the amount available for refund; There is no amount to be refunded on the order. |
CHK0055 | "Workflow from order {0} already exists" | Order with workflow already created. |
CHK0056 | "Gift credit cannot be given with this requestId" | Unable to give credit with this requestId. |
CHK0057 | "Gift credits cannot be given to free orders" | Unable to give credit when order has no value. |
CHK0058 | "Gift credit cannot be bigger than settled value" | Unable to give credit with an amount greater than the amount already invoiced. |
CHK0059 | "Create gift card cannot be done when order doesnt have defaul seller or white label" | Unable to give credit when the order does not have seller default or white label. |
CHK0060 | "Create gift card cannot be done when order does have split payments" | Unable to give credit when the order has a payment split. |
CHK0061 | "Gift credits cannot be given to orders in status {0}" | Unable to give credit with the order in the stated status. |
CHK0062 | "Max allowed items exceeded: {0}" | Exceeded maximum number of items in requisition. |
CHK0063 | "Cannot have InHands item if the cart is not checked in" | There cannot be an item in hand if the cart is not checked in. |
CHK0068 | "Invalid value for the gift card" | Invalid value for gift card. |
CHK0069 | "Seller order ID {0} not found" | There are one or more seller order IDs that were not found in the marketplace order. |
CHK0070 | "A communication error with UniKey has occurred" | Error in order creation due to failure in communication with Unikey. |
CHK0071 | "The change cannot be done because the seller does not accept the request number of installments required" | Unable to modify the seller due to inconsistency in the payment installment information. |
CHK0072 | "The change cannot be done because the seller has different interest rate" | The seller change cannot be made because the seller has interest settings. |
CHK0073 | "A communication error with Subscription System has occurred" | There was a communication error with the Subscription System. |
CHK0074 | "Settle receipt cannot be null" | Settle (capture) receipt cannot be null. |
CHK0075 | "Authorize receipt cannot be null" | Authorization receipt cannot be null. |
CHK0076 | "A communication error with payment system has occurred" | There was a communication error to obtain payment data. |
CHK0077 | "Refund receipt cannot be null" | The chargeback receipt cannot be null. |
CHK0078 | "Cancel receipt cannot be null" | The cancellation receipt cannot be null. |
CHK0080 | "Maximum amount of denied transactions reached. Please, try again in 24 hours." | Maximum number of denied transactions reached. Please try again in 24 hours. |
CHK0081 | "The specified user is not valid" | The specified user is not valid. |
CHK0082 | "ReCAPTCHA required. Please, try again passing the reCAPTCHA token along with the provided key" | ReCAPTHA validation error. |
CHK0083 | "A communication error with SNO System has occurred" | There was a communication error with the SNO System. |
CHK0084 | "Resource already in" | The maximum limit of concurrent changes has already been reached for one or more required resources. |
CHK0085 | "The order already exists" | Duplicate order (already existing order). |
CHK0086 | "Cannot retry canceled orders {0}" | Retry not allowed for canceled orders. |
CHK0087 | "Login required to use a new address" | It is not allowed to add new address without logging in. |
CHK0088 | "Reference payment Id not provided by seller" | Payment reference id not provided by seller. |
CHK0089 | "An error has occurred during communication with the OMS service" | There was a communication error with OMS. |
CHK0090 | "App id not found" | The custom data field appId is not found. Access the Get orderForm configuration to verify if the requested appId is available. |
CHK0091 | "App key not found for id" | The custom data field appFieldName is not found. Access the Get orderForm configuration to verify if the requested appFieldName is available in the given appId . |
CHK0092 | "Orders without marketplace order group cannot be authorized by marketplaces" | Orders without a marketplace order group cannot be authorized by a marketplace. |
CHK0093 | "A communication error with Catalog System has occurred" | There was a communication error with the Catalog. |
CHK0094 | "The endpoint to catalog has not been provided" | The URL to the catalog was not provided. |
CHK0095 | "Changes in chain orders are not allowed" | Modifications to chain (intermediate) orders are not allowed. |
CHK0096 | "Change cannot be done. Possible reason: settlement directly done by API" | Unable to modify the order. |
CHK0097 | "Change of product cannot be done when seller is not from a franchise account" | Unable to modify items that are not part of a franchise account. |
CHK0098 | "The change value needs to be greater or equal than zero" | Change value must be greater than or equal to zero. |
CHK0099 | "Field {0} has exceeded limit of characters" | The field has exceeded the character limit. |
CHK0100 | "Error to clear user number of payment errors in the user profile" | Error clearing the number of payment errors in the user profile. |
CHK0101 | "A communication error with Conversation Tracker System has occurred" | There was a communication error with the Conversation Tracker System. |
CHK0103 | "Coupon {0} invalid" | Invalid coupon (not found). |
CHK0105 | "App id duplicated" | The "customApps" value of the customAttachment has more than one app with the same id. |
CHK0106 | "It's not possible to select more than one gift card for the same group name" | It is not possible to select more than one gift card for the same grouper. |
CHK0107 | "Duplicated item" | Index of items are duplicated. |
CHK0108 | "Duplicated item index" | Index of items are duplicated. |
CHK0109 | "This email cannot be used because belongs to another user" | This email already belongs to another user. |
CHK0110 | "A communication error with fulfillment has occurred" | There was a communication error with the Fulfillment. |
CHK0111 | "The quantity of items returned from the sellers is different from the quantity in the cart" | The quantity of items returned from sellers is different from the quantity in the cart. |
CHK0112 | "Gift cards are allowed only for one user per cart. Consider removing and adding it again" | Gift cards are only allowed for one user per cart. Consider removing and adding it again. |
CHK0113 | "Gift {0} is unavailable and was removed from cart" | One or more gifts are unavailable and have been removed from cart. |
CHK0114 | "Gift card {0} is inactive and cannot be processed" | The gift card is inactive. |
CHK0115 | "Current transaction is inactive and cannot be processed" | The current transaction is inactive and cannot be processed. |
CHK0116 | "Parameter {0} doesn't exist" | The provided parameter does not exist. |
CHK0118 | "The endpoint to installments has not been provided" | The URL for the installment system was not provided. |
CHK0119 | "Addresses must have postal code or geocoordinates" | Failed to modify delivery address. |
CHK0120 | "Invalid affiliate id" | Invalid affiliate id. |
CHK0121 | "Invalid app fields" | Invalid application fields. |
CHK0122 | "Invalid app id" | Invalid application id. |
CHK0123 | "Invalid app version major" | Invalid application version major. |
CHK0124 | "Invalid change for order" | Invalid order modification. |
CHK0125 | "Change payments merchant invalid for multiples merchants" | Unable to switch the merchant of payments to multiple merchants. |
CHK0126 | "The {0} field not accept the characters: < > ? + " ; %" | The field does not accept the characters:< > ? + " ; %. |
CHK0127 | "Invalid country" | Invalid country. |
CHK0128 | "Invalid coupon" | Invalid coupon. |
CHK0129 | "Invalid custom attachment app data" | Invalid app custom data. |
CHK0130 | "Invalid custom attachment app id" | Invalid app custom id. |
CHK0131 | "Invalid e-mail" | Invalid email. |
CHK0132 | "Invalid frequency" | Invalid frequency. |
CHK0133 | "Invalid GiftCard {0} code" | Invalid gift card. |
CHK0134 | "Invalid gift card provider" | Invalid gift card provider. |
CHK0135 | "Invalid gift card value" | Invalid gift card value. |
CHK0136 | "Invalid hook major" | Invalid hook major. |
CHK0137 | "Invalid hook url" | Invalid hook URL. |
CHK0138 | "Invalid interval" | Invalid interval. |
CHK0139 | "The attachment key {0} is invalid" | The attached item key is invalid (registration failed). |
CHK0140 | "The name of attachment is invalid" | The attached item name is invalid (registration failed). |
CHK0141 | "The attachment value {0} for key {1} is invalid" | The attached item value is invalid. |
CHK0142 | "The items don't match the previous order's items {0}" | Items do not match items from previous order. |
CHK0143 | "Invalid marketing tag" | Invalid marketing tag. |
CHK0144 | "Invalid marketplace order group" | Invalid marketplace order group. |
CHK0145 | "Invalid marketplace payment value or Payment Data" | Invalid value or payment data made by the marketplace. |
CHK0146 | "Invalid marketplace services endpoint" | Invalid marketplace services endpoint. |
CHK0147 | "Invalid merchant" | Invalid merchant. |
CHK0148 | "The merchant {0} doesn't exist." | Merchant informed does not exist. |
CHK0149 | "Invalid parent assembly binding" | Invalid parent item association. |
CHK0150 | "Invalid parent item index" | Invalid parent item index. |
CHK0151 | "Invalid payment reference value" | Invalid payment reference value. |
CHK0152 | "Invalid payment system" | Invalid payment method. |
CHK0153 | "Invalid payment token" | Invalid payment token. |
CHK0154 | "Invalid payment value" | Invalid payment value. |
CHK0155 | "Invalid plan" | Invalid plan. |
CHK0156 | "Invalid price table" | Invalid price table. |
CHK0157 | "Invalid quantity to remove from item {0}" | Invalid quantity to remove from item. |
CHK0158 | "Invalid reason characters" | The value of the reason field is in an unsupported format. |
CHK0159 | "Invalid receipt date" | Invalid receipt date. |
CHK0160 | "Invalid receipt token" | Invalid receipt token. |
CHK0161 | "Invalid sales channel" | Invalid sales channel. |
CHK0162 | "Invalid seller" | Invalid seller. |
CHK0163 | "Invalid seller order id" | Invalid seller order id. |
CHK0164 | "Invalid source cart to tax calculation" | Origin cart for tax calculation is invalid. |
CHK0165 | "Change seller can only be done in state {0} and {1}" | The exchange of seller can only be done in the current state. |
CHK0166 | "Invalid subscription" | Invalid signature. |
CHK0167 | "Invalid tax name" | Invalid tax name. |
CHK0168 | "Invalid tax value" | Invalid tax value. |
CHK0169 | "Invalid transaction" | Invalid transaction. |
CHK0170 | "Invalid validate" | Invalid validity. |
CHK0171 | "The selected SLA for item {0}({1}) is not available" | The SLA selected for the item is not available. |
CHK0172 | "Invalid item assembly" | Invalid item assembly. |
CHK0173 | "A communication error Legacy Order Service has occurred" | There was a communication error with the Order Services System. |
CHK0174 | "Max allowed campaigns for request exceeded: {0}" | The value exceeds the maximum number of campaigns allowed. |
CHK0175 | "Shipping data is required" | Incomplete delivery data. |
CHK0176 | "There is no correct seller registered for account {0}" | There is no seller correctly registered for the informed account. |
CHK0177 | "Could not find any corrected seller registered for your account" | Unable to find any seller registered correctly for your account. |
CHK0178 | "Gift card {0} has no funds" | The gift card has no balance. |
CHK0179 | "Address id not found" | Address id not found. |
CHK0180 | "Store address not found" | Store address not found. |
CHK0181 | "Transaction {0} from merchant {1} not found for order {2}" | One or more merchant transactions were not found for the order group. |
CHK0182 | "Item {0} was unavailable and has been replaced with another from seller {1}" | Item was out of stock and replaced with one from another seller. |
CHK0183 | "A communication error with Order Authorization System has occurred" | There was a communication error with the OAuth. |
CHK0184 | "Order {0} cannot be settled in status {1}" | Order cannot be captured in current state. |
CHK0185 | "Order {0} cannot be settled with reutilization payments transactions" | The order has transactions with reusable payments and cannot be captured. |
CHK0187 | "Change seller cannot be done when order has changes" | The change of seller cannot be performed when the order has changes. |
CHK0188 | "Change seller cannot be done when current seller is external (Not VTEX)" | The change of seller cannot be performed when the current seller is external (not VTEX). |
CHK0189 | "Change seller cannot be done when the new order has pickup delivery" | The change of seller cannot be performed when the new order has delivery at a pick-up point. |
CHK0190 | "Change seller cannot be done when order has settlements" | The change of seller cannot be performed when the order has captures. |
CHK0191 | "Change seller cannot be done without shipping information for all items" | The change of seller cannot be performed if delivery information is missing for any of the items. |
CHK0192 | "Change seller cannot be done when order has split of payments without credit cards" | The change of seller cannot be performed when the order has a payment split other than a credit card. |
CHK0193 | "Change seller cannot be done when order has taxes" | The change of seller cannot be performed when the order has taxes. |
CHK0194 | "This order's workflow version doesn't support change seller" | The workflow version of this order does not support seller switching. |
CHK0195 | "Change seller cannot be done to same seller" | The change of seller cannot be performed to the same seller. |
CHK0196 | "Impossible cancel order {0} - Payment not found" | Unable to cancel order (payment not found). |
CHK0197 | "Sorry. Could not process the requested orderForm." | Unable to process the request cart. |
CHK0198 | "Payment total ({0}) differs from store desired value ({1})" | Payment total is different from what the store intended. |
CHK0199 | "Order Group {0} not found" | OrderGroup not found. |
CHK0200 | "Incompleted orders cannot change status" | Unable to proceed with incomplete order. |
CHK0201 | "Order not found" | Order not found. |
CHK0202 | "Order {0} cannot be cancelled in status {1}" | Order cannot be canceled. |
CHK0203 | "Parameter {0} should be of type {1}" | The parameter is not of the expected type. |
CHK0204 | "The following payment was denied: {0}" | Payment denied. |
CHK0205 | "Waiting progress for the following payments: {0}. Please, check your order later." | Waiting for one or more payments to proceed. Please check your order later. |
CHK0206 | "Payment cannot be authorized" | Payment cannot be authorized. |
CHK0207 | "Error to associate order payment data to the user profile" | Error associating order payment details with user profile. |
CHK0208 | "The requested payment system's id {0} is not selected" | Requested payment method id is not selected. |
CHK0209 | "There's no payment selected" | No payment selected. |
CHK0210 | "Payment value doesn't match with requested value" | Payment amount does not match the expected amount. |
CHK0211 | "A communication error with Postal Code Service has occurred" | There was a communication error with the Postal Code System. |
CHK0212 | "Could not load profile {0}" | The profile could not be loaded. |
CHK0213 | "Profile not found" | The profile could not be found. |
CHK0214 | "A communication error with reCAPTCHA has occurred" | There was a communication error with reCAPTCHA. |
CHK0215 | "Transaction cancellation notification received" | Received transaction cancellation notification. |
CHK0216 | "Requesting order cancellation" | Requesting order cancellation. |
CHK0217 | "A communication error with Subscription System has occurred" | There was a communication error with the Subscription System. |
CHK0219 | "A communication error with Tax System has occurred" | There was a communication error with the Tax Hub System. |
CHK0220 | "An error has occurred to convert utc time {0} to timezone {1} from order {2}" | There was an error converting UTC time to timezone on one or more orders. |
CHK0221 | "The transaction {0} can not have a negative value" | Transaction cannot have a negative value. |
CHK0222 | "Gift card {0} can only be used by his owner" | The gift card is restricted to its owner. |
CHK0223 | "Your payment has not been authorized" | There was a communication error with the Payment Approval System. |
CHK0225 | "Gift card {0} not needed to be used" | The gift card did not need to be used. |
CHK0226 | "Gift cards for user {0} not found" | No gift cards found for user. |
CHK0227 | "User without access to send subscriptions data." | The specified user does not have authorization to access the informed orderForm data. |
CHK0228 | "Invalid value for time configuration in days. Max value: 31 days." | Invalid value for time setting in days. Maximum value: 31 (thirty-one) days. |
CHK0229 | "Workflow not found for order {0}" | Workflow not found for order. |
CHK0230 | "Sorry. Could not process the requested payments" | Unable to process the requested payments. |
CHK0231 | "A communication error with workflow system has occurred" | There was a communication error with the Workflow System. |
CHK0232 | "Fail to get informations of the gift registry" | Unable to get gift list information. |
CHK0233 | "A communication error with rates and benefits has occurred" | There was a communication error with the RnB (Rates & Benefits). |
CHK0234 | "An error has occurred to cancel workflow {0}" | An error occurred while canceling the order, check that it has not been left in an inconsistent state. |
CHK0235 | "Cancellation Requested By Caller" | The cancellation of the operation was requested by the requester/origin. |
CHK0236 | "No account was found for the address provided ({url})" | Account not found. |
CHK0237 | "Inconsistency detected in order {0}, transaction {1}" | There are inconsistencies between the receipts and the operations carried out with the gateway. |
CHK0240 | "Order {0} dont have value to refund" | The order has no value to be refunded. |
CHK0241 | "Order {0} cannot be refunded because the value is 0" | The order cannot be refunded, as its value is 0 (zero). |
CHK0242 | "Order {0} is in a invalid state to approve payment" | Invalid order status to approve payment. |
CHK0243 | "Order {0} cannot be refunded in status {1}" | The order is in a state that does not allow refund. |
CHK0244 | "Order {0} cannot be refunded with reutilization payments transactions" | The order has transactions with reusable payments and cannot be refunded. |
CHK0246 | "Purchase cannot be done with unavailable items" | The purchase cannot be made due to unavailable items. |
CHK0247 | "Gift registry information has changed. Verify your freight´s price" | Gift card information has changed, check shipping price. |
CHK0248 | "The minimum quantity for items {0} that must be accumulated in cart has not been reached" | The minimum quantity of items to be accumulated in the cart has not been reached. |
CHK0249 | "OrderForm data do not match reservation data" | The cart data does not match the reservation data. |
CHK0250 | "Reservation {0} is not in the authorized status" | Item reservation not authorized. |
CHK0251 | "Reservation {0} not found" | Item reservation not found. |
CHK0252 | "The requested reservation {0} could not be ensured for order {1}" | The requested reservation could not be guaranteed for the order. |
CHK0254 | "The requested reservation {0} could not be canceled for order {1}" | The requested reservation could not be canceled for the order. |
CHK0255 | "Cannot reserve items without shipping data" | The reservation cannot be made without delivery details. |
CHK0256 | "There is no SLA for item {0}({1}" | The item does not contain SLA data. |
CHK0257 | "There is no selected SLA for item {0}({1}" | The item has no SLA selected. |
CHK0258 | "Cannot reserve items without reservation period (TTL)" | The reservation cannot be made without reservation period (TTL). |
CHK0259 | "Order reservation couldn't be done" | Item reservation cannot be carried out. |
CHK0261 | "Multiple delivery addresses are not allowed" | Multiple address selection is not supported. |
CHK0262 | "A communication error with Logistics has occurred" | There was a communication error with the Logistics System. |
CHK0263 | "Multiple address countries are not allowed" | Multiple countries are not allowed in addresses. |
CHK0264 | "Pickup not found" | The pickup address entered is not available. |
CHK0265 | "A communication error with gateway has occurred" | There was a communication error with the Payment Gateway. |
CHK0266 | "The seller {0} is currently blocked" | The seller is blocked. |
CHK0267 | "The time limit to retry was reached. Id {0}" | Retry timeout reached. |
CHK0268 | "An error has occurred to assemble region" | There was a communication error with the Amazon S3. |
CHK0269 | "Orderform does not have installment options" | Cart does not have installment options. |
CHK0270 | "A communication error with pricing hub has occurred" | There was a communication error with the PricingHub service. |
CHK0271 | "Invalid addressProvider: {0}" | Invalid AddressProvider. |
CHK0272 | "Item not found. SkuSeller ={0}; Seller = {1}." | The seller does not contain the selected item. |
CHK0273 | "UserId cannot be empty during the SaveUserPreferences step of SaveProfileData" | The user id is null (empty) or cannot be found when saving user information. |
CHK0276 | "Field savePersonalData cannot be modified if SavePersonalDataAsOptIn is false on the orderForm config" | The option to save personal data is being filled in although the option to save user data is not enabled for the account. |
CHK0277 | "Field savePaymentData cannot be modified if SavePersonalDataAsOptIn is false on the orderForm config" | The option to save payment data is being filled in although the option to save user data is not enabled for the account. |
CHK0278 | "The provided account is invalid" | There was a communication error with the Routing System. |
CHK0279 | "A communication error with SQS has occurred" | There was a communication error with the Amazon SQS. |
CHK0280 | "The provided account is inactive on License Manager" | Account is inactive. |
CHK0281 | "Invalid item component" | The request is null or badly formatted. |
CHK0282 | "LockId is allowed only for the default seller" or "Multiple LockIds are not allowed" | There are one or more items with "lockId" where the seller is not the current marketplace. |
CHK0283 | "Invalid executionCount for subscription" | Invalid ExecutionCount for subscription. |
CHK0284 | "Campaign Id duplicated" | Duplicate Campaign ID. |
CHK0285 | "Invalid page number, it should be between {0} and {1}" | Invalid page number. |
CHK0286 | "Invalid page size, it must be less than or equal to {0}" | Invalid page size. |
CHK0287 | "Catalog provider not Allowed" | The catalog provider entered is not a parent account or the same as the current account. |
CHK0288 | "Invalid configuration" | The orderForm configuration exchange or payment configuration thereof is null. |
CHK0289 | "A communication error with Sales Order System has occurred" | There was a communication error with the Routing System. |
CHK0290 | "A communication error with Routing System has occurred" | There was a communication error with the Routing System. |
CHK0291 | "An error has occurred during communication with the MOI service" | There was a communication error with the External Marketplace. |
CHK0292 | "A lock operation timed out" | The time limit for obtaining the access lock to a required resource was exceeded. |
CHK00295 | "Failed to obtain the orders for the requested transaction" | Failed to obtain the orders for the requested transaction. |
CHK00296 | "Invalid Transaction Pending Operation Type" | Invalid transaction operation type. |
CHK00298 | "Workflow blocked by matching rule" | Workflow blocked by matching rule. |
CHK00299 | "A communication error with Audit System has occurred" | The communication with the audit service has timed out. |
CHK00300 | "Invalid encryption key id" | Invalid encryption key id. |
CHK00301 | "The communication with the tax service timed out" | The communication with the tax service has timed out. |
CHK00302 | "Shortage timeout cancellation is invalid" | Shortage timeout cancellation is invalid. |
CHK00303 | "Cannot merge different items" | Cannot merge different items. |
CHK00305 | "Invalid Ensure Complete" | Invalid Ensure Complete. |
CHK00306 | "Property not found" | Property not found. |
CHK00307 | "Failed to parse 'geoCoordinates' parameter" | Failed to parse 'geoCoordinates' parameter. |
CHK00308 | "Bad Request" | Bad Request. |
CHK00309 | "Failed to replace order workflow" | Failed to replace order workflow. |
CHK00310 | "Throttling with Logistics service" | Throttling with Logistics service. |
CHK00311 | "Throttling with Availability service" | Throttling with Availability service. |
CHK00312 | "A communication error with Authentication System has occurred: Failed to get authenticated user" | A communication error with Authentication System has occurred: Failed to get authenticated user. |
CHK00313 | "A communication error with Authentication System has occurred: Failed to get access code" | A communication error with Authentication System has occurred: Failed to get access code. |
CHK00314 | "A communication error with Authentication System has occurred: Failed to get the authenticated user id" | A communication error with Authentication System has occurred: Failed to get the authenticated user id. |
CHK00315 | "A communication error with Authentication System has occurred: Failed to authenticate user" | A communication error with Authentication System has occurred: Failed to authenticate user. |
CHK00316 | "A communication error with Authentication System has occurred: Failed to get user" | A communication error with Authentication System has occurred: Failed to get user. |
CHK00317 | "Invalid authentication cookie" | Invalid authentication cookie. |
CHK00318 | "Invalid ordination" | Invalid ordination. |
CHK00334 | "The number of allowed addresses has exceeded" | The number of allowed addresses has exceeded. |
Error Code | Message | Meaning |
ORD002 | "The purchase cannot be done due to invalid data" | Inconsistent or invalid data in cart. |
ORD003 | "A communication error with rates and benefits has occurred" | There was a communication error with the RnB (Rates & Benefits). |
ORD004 | "The cart total is negative" | Error when counting the total value of the cart because the value is negative. |
ORD005 | "The purchase cannot be done without items" | Cart without items. |
ORD006 | "The {0} field in the shipping attachment is invalid" | Invalid shipping data. |
ORD007 | "The {0} field in the client profile attachment is invalid" | One or more fields in the customer profile are invalid. |
ORD008 | "The requested order could not be created. Please try again." | The order was not created. |
ORD009 | "Payment value is different from order value" | The payment value is different from the order value. |
ORD012 | "Order reservation couldn't be done" | An error occurred when trying to create the fulfillment order in the seller. |
ORD013 | "Order reservation couldn't be done" | The item is not available to be incorporated into the order. |
ORD014 | "Workflow not found for order {0}" | The order workflowInstanceId cannot be queried (returned with error) or does not exist. |
ORD015 | "Unable to communicate with seller {0}" | There was a communication error with the seller. |
ORD016 | "A communication error with event system has occurred" | Incomplete order. Error in communication between marketplace and seller. |
ORD017 | "Gifts are not supported for chain orders" | It was not possible to query the informed gift or the gift is not supported by the orders chain. |
ORD020 | "Invalid payment account; Invalid payment; Invalid payment value; Invalid payment system" | Invalid payment. |
ORD021 | "A communication error with Catalog System has occurred" | Error adding catalog items to cart. |
ORD022 | "Your cart's data was old and needed to be updated. Please, try again" | The cart is not valid because it has not gone through a simulation or it needs to be redone (updated). |
ORD023 | "Purchase cannot be done with unavailable items" | There are one or more items unavailable in the cart. |
ORD024 | "Invalid price decimal precision" | The price precision setting is causing part of the values to be lost when applied (by truncating the value). You may need to change this setting to account for more decimal places. |
ORD025 | "Item {0} had some empty required attachment" | There are one or more mandatory attachments received from the catalog that have not been completed. |
ORD026 | "A communication error with Postal Code Service has occurred" | There was a communication error with the Postal Code System. |
ORD027 | "Item {0} not found or unavailable" | Item not found or unavailable. |
ORD028 | "Item {0}({1}) is not available" | Item out of stock or incorrectly set to add to cart. |
ORD029 | "Multiples deliveries are not allowed" | Multiple deliveries are not allowed. |
ORD030 | "Multiple address countries are not allowed" | Multiple countries are not allowed in addresses. |
ORD031 | "Multiple delivery addresses are not allowed" | Selected address list allows you to have multiple pickup addresses and only one different pickup address. |
ORD032 | "The maximum number of sellers configuration is invalid" | The maximum limit of white label sellers cannot be less than 1 (one). |
ORD033 | "The setting for minimum quantity of items in the cart is invalid" | The minimum cumulative quantity for each item is less than 1 (one) or the minimum cumulative amount is less than O (zero). |
ORD034 | "The mask configuration for price is invalid." | Precision setting for decimal digits cannot be less than 0 (zero) and no greater than 2 (two). |
ORD035 | "Duplicate app" | The "customApps" setting has more than one app with the same id. |
ORD036 | "The setting for the minimum accumulated value in the cart is invalid" | The minimum amount accumulated in the cart cannot be less than 0 (zero). |
ORD037 | "Invalid Recaptcha Validation configuration" | Recaptcha validation type must be equal to "always", "never" or "vtexcriteria". |
ORD038 | "Invoices not found from order {order.Id}" | Unable to find one or more order "invoices". |
ORD039 | "Order {order.Id} is in state {workflow.CurrentState} and cannot accept invoice" | The current state of the order does not allow the addition of new "invoices". |
ORD040 | "Invalid value for time configuration in days. Max value: 31 days." | The value for the configuration that defines the maximum limit of the seller's configuration window, must be between 0 (zero) and 31 (thirty-one). |
ORD041 | "A communication error with the request capture system has occurred" | There was a communication error with the Request Capture System. |
ORD042 | "Invalid installments quantity" | The number of "installments", informed in the configuration for the default payment system to be applied in the cart, must be greater than 0 (zero) and less than 21 (twenty-one)). |
ORD043 | "Invalid Payment System Id" | The payment system id, informed in the configuration for the default payment system to be applied in the cart, cannot be null or an empty text. |
ORD044 | "Invalid address for item" | Invalid address for an item. |
ORD045 | "Shipping data is required" | No SLA was selected for delivery or it is pointing to a non-existent item in the cart (negative index). |
ORD046 | "Delivery window is required" | One or more of the selected SLAs contain delivery windows, but are pointing to a null delivery window. |
ORD047 | "Invalid delivery window" | The delivery window for one or more selected SLAs is outside the range allowed by the SLA. |
ORD048 | "Invalid address for pickup" | The pickup address id used in one or more LogisticInfos is not available in the list of PickupPoints or PickupStoreInfo. |
ORD050 | "Purchase cannot be done with unavailable items" | The purchase cannot be made due to unavailable items. |
ORD051 | "Invalid 'regionId' or non-existent region" | The regionId cannot be null. |
ORD052 | "A communication error has occurred while getting the price configuration." | There was a communication error with the PricingHub. |
ORD053 | "A communication error with pricing hub has occurred" | There was a communication error with the PricingHub. |
ORD054 | "Outdated payment details" | Status in payment options is not up to date. |
ORD055 | "Item Id is required" | Item id cannot be null or empty. |
ORD056 | "Duplicated item" | There are two or more items with the same id. |
ORD057 | "Invalid value for refund" | If there are no items, the refund amount cannot be less than or equal to 0 (zero). |
ORD058 | "Item index is missing" | The id of one or more items is null or empty. |
ORD059 | "A communication error with the payment associations system has occurred" | Communication with the payments associations service was canceled at the source. |
ORD062 | "Access denied" or "Unauthorized" | Authentication is required. |
ORD063 | "Invalid notification" or "Invalid notification id" | It was not possible to create the notification because the type of notification entered is unknown. |
ORD064 | "Invalid order group id" | The order group id entered is invalid or in an unsupported format. |
Error Code | Message | Meaning |
FMT001 | "Cannot reserve items without shipping data" | Cannot reserve items without shipping data. |
FMT002 | "Order reservation couldn't be done" | Order reservation could not be done. |
FMT003 | "There is no SLA for item {0}({1})" | There is no selected SLA for item. |
FMT004 | "There is no selected SLA for item {0}({1})" | There is no selected SLA for item. |
FMT005 | "Item {0}({1}) is not available" | Item is not available. |
FMT006 | "Order form price is differs from the store price" | Order form price is differs from the store price. |
FMT007 | "Payment total ({0}) differs from store desired value ({1})" | Payment total differs from store desired value. |
FMT008 | "The requested reservation {0} could not be canceled for order {1}" | The requested reservation could not be canceled for order. |
FMT009 | "The request order with marketplace order id {0} for affiliate {1} already exists" | The request order with marketplace order id for affiliate already exists. |
FMT010 | "The selected SLA for item {0}({1}) is not available" | The selected SLA for item is not available. |
FMT011 | "The selected bundle {0} for item {1}({2}) is not available" | TThe selected bundle for item is not available. |
FMT012 | "Items ids {0} and {1} didn't match" | Items ids did not match. |
FMT014 | "The requested reservation {0} could not be ensured for order {1}" | The requested reservation could not be ensured for order. |
FMT015 | "Marketplace id has not been provided" | Marketplace id has not been provided. |
FMT016 | "The requested acknowledgement for reservation {0} could not be confirmed for order {1}d" | The requested acknowledgement for reservation could not be confirmed for order. |
FMT017 | "Cannot reserve items without reservation period (TTL)" | Cannot reserve items without reservation period (TTL). |
FMT0021 | "Invalid affiliate id" | Invalid affiliate id. |
FMT0022 | "Reservation {0} not found" | Reservation not found. |
FMT0023 | "OrderForm data do not match reservation data" | OrderForm data do not match reservation data. |
FMT0024 | "Reservation {0} is not in the authorized status" | Reservation is not in the authorized status. |
FMT0025 | "OrderForm data do not match reservation data" | OrderForm data do not match reservation data. |
FMT0026 | "Cannot be created an empty order. Please send an order or check your input request" | Cannot be created an empty order. Please send an order or check your input request. |
FMT0029 | "Invalid search URI endpoint version" | Invalid search URI endpoint version. |
FMT0030 | "Configuration for default affiliate is required" | Configuration for default affiliate is required. |
FMT0031 | "Affiliate id must have 3 characters" | Affiliate id must have 3 characters. |
FMT0032 | "Invalid email" | Invalid email. |
FMT0033 | "Affiliate id cannot be duplicated" | Affiliate id cannot be duplicated. |
FMT0034 | "Invalid affiliate name" | Invalid affiliate name. |
FMT0035 | "Affiliate name cannot be duplicated" | Affiliate name cannot be duplicated. |
FMT0036 | "Invalid sales channel" | Invalid sales channel. |
FMT0037 | "Invalid merchant" | Invalid merchant. |
FMT0038 | "Invalid quantity for item" | Invalid quantity for item. |
FMT0039 | "Invalid id for item" | Invalid id for item. |
FMT0040 | "Invalid seller for item" | Invalid seller for item. |
FMT0041 | "Invalid price for item" | Invalid price for item. |
FMT0042 | "Invalid marketplace payment value or payment data" | Invalid marketplace payment value or payment data. |
FMT0043 | "Maximum quantity {0} for items has exceeded" | Maximum quantity for items has exceeded. |
FMT0044 | "Could not find parameter purchaseContext" or "PurchaseContext parameter has an invalid struct" | Could not find parameter purchaseContext or purchaseContext parameter has an invalid struct. |
FMT0045 | "The purchase cannot be done without a profile" | The purchase cannot be done without a profile. |
FMT0046 | "Some item attachments are not available" | Some item attachments are not available. |
FMT0047 | "Item attachment {0} has a invalid value for key {1}" | Item attachment has a invalid value for key. |
FMT0048 | "A communication error with License Manager System has occurred" | A communication error with License Manager System has occurred. |
FMT0049 | "A communication error with Configuration System has occurred" | A communication error with Configuration System has occurred. |
FMT0050 | "A communication error with Authentication System has occurred" | A communication error with Authentication System has occurred. |
FMT0051 | "A communication error with Logistics has occurred" | A communication error with Logistics has occurred. |
FMT0052 | "Invalid instore store identifier" | Invalid instore store identifier. |
FMT0053 | "The value of the change exceed the order's price" | The value of the change exceed the order's price. |
FMT0054 | "Item removed do not exist in order" or "Invalid quantity to remove from item {0}" | Item removed do not exist in order or Invalid quantity to remove from item. |
FMT0055 | "The proceed to fulfillment receipt was not generated" | The proceed to fulfillment receipt was not generated. |
FMT0056 | "Incompleted orders cannot change status" | Incompleted orders cannot change status. |
FMT0057 | "Invalid item index" | Invalid item index. |
FMT0058 | "Same item cannot have more than one SLA selected" | Same item cannot have more than one SLA selected. |
FMT0059 | "Pickup not found" | Pickup not found. |
FMT0060 | "The request order with marketplace order id {0} for affiliate {1} is already canceled and cannot be recreated" | The request order is already canceled and cannot be recreated. |
FMT0061 | "Invalid pickup point id" | Invalid pickup point id. |
FMT0062 | "Invalid change URL for affiliate 00. Please, use Checkout change URL" | Invalid change URL for affiliate 00. Please, use Checkout change URL. |
FMT0063 | "Max allowed changes for order exceeded: {0}" | Max allowed changes for order exceeded. |
FMT0064 | "Workflow from order {0} already exists" | Workflow from order already exists. |
FMT0065 | "Cannot have InHands item if the cart is not checked in" | Cannot have InHands item if the cart is not checked in. |
FMT0066 | "Invalid marketplace payment reference value" | Invalid marketplace payment reference value. |
FMT0067 | "The minimum quantity of {0} items in the order has not been reached" | The minimum quantity of items in the order has not been reached. |
FMT0070 | "The endpoint to marketplace's service has not been provided" | The endpoint to marketplace's service has not been provided. |
FMT0071 | "Marketplace id do not match with original order" | Marketplace id do not match with original order. |
FMT0072 | "Multiple delivery addresses are not allowed" | Multiple delivery addresses are not allowed. |
FMT0073 | "Multiple address countries are not allowed" | Multiple address countries are not allowed. |
FMT0074 | "Addresses must have postal code or geocoordinates" | Addresses must have postal code or geocoordinates. |
FMT0075 | "Multiple lock id are not allowed" | Multiple lock id are not allowed. |
FMT0076 | "Multiple delivery ids input is not supported for item reservation" | Multiple delivery ids input is not supported for item reservation. |
FMT0077 | "Invalid reservation TTL" | Invalid reservation TTL. |
FMT0078 | "Cannot reserve items without estimate" | Cannot reserve items without estimate. |
FMT0079 | "Invalid reservation estimate" | Invalid reservation estimate. |
FMT0084 | "Workflow not found for order {0}" | Workflow not found for order. |
FMT0085 | "The time limit to retry was reached. Id {0}" | The time limit to retry was reached. |
FMT0086 | "Could not save the order configuration" | Could not save the order configuration. |
FMT0088 | "Invalid affiliate id" | Invalid affiliate id. |
FMT0089 | "Duplicated item index" | Duplicated item index. |
FMT0090 | "Shipping estimation or price information are only allowed when is FOB" | Shipping estimation or price information are only allowed when is FOB. |
FMT0091 | "Invalid parent item index" | Invalid parent item index. |
FMT0092 | "Invalid item assembly" | Invalid item assembly. |
FMT0093 | "Invalid user payment info" | Invalid user payment info. |
FMT0094 | "Invalid invoice attachment" | Invalid invoice attachment. |
FMT0095 | "The address cannot be used for the given delivery channel" | The address cannot be used for the given delivery channel. |
FMT0096 | "Invalid tracking id" or "Invalid tracking courier name" | Invalid tracking id or Invalid tracking courier name. |
FMT0097 | "Max allowed price tables for request exceeded: {0}" | Max allowed price tables for request exceeded. |
FMT0098 | "Invalid change for order" or "The change value needs to be greater or equal than zero" | Invalid change for order or The change value needs to be greater or equal than zero. |
FMT0099 | "Invalid change receipt for order" | Invalid change receipt for order. |
FMT0100 | "Invalid tax data" or "Invalid tax token" | Invalid tax data or Invalid tax token. |
FMT0101 | "Catalog provider not Allowed" | Catalog provider not allowed. |
FMT0103 | "Invalid operational capacity value" | Invalid operational capacity value . |
FMT0104 | "Too many items in request" | Exceeded the maximum quantity of items in the request. |
orderForm Checkout Error Codes
The information described in the list below can appear in the messages
field of the orderForm response body.
Status | Code | Message | Meaning |
Error | "unavailableItemFulfillment" | "Item {0} is unavailable" | The item is not available. |
Error | "withoutStock" | "The item {0} has no inventory" | The item is out of stock. |
Error | "cannotBeDelivered" | "Item {0} cannot be delivered for this coordinates / Item {0} cannot be delivered for this postal code" | Item cannot be delivered due to lack of information on the orderForm. |
Error | "withoutPrice" | "Item {0} is unavailable" | Item without listed price. |
Error | "withoutPriceRnB" | "Item {0} is unavailable" | Item without price in the Rates and Benefits service. |
Error | "withoutPriceFulfillment" | "Item {0} is unavailable" | Item without price on seller. |
Error | "nullPrice" | N/A - its not used on orderForm messages | Item price is null or empty. |
Error | "itemMetricsNotFound" | "The metrics of the item {0} are undefined" | Item without metrics in catalog. |
Error | "unavailableItemCatalog" | N/A - not used | Item without metrics in catalog. |
Error | "maxNumberOfSellersReached" | "The item {0} cannot be delivered due to the max number of involved sellers configuration" | The maximum limit of sellers for the cart has been reached. |
Error | "couponExpired" | "Coupon {0} expired" | The applied coupon has expired. |
Error | "couponNotFound" | "Coupon {0} invalid" | Invalid coupon (not found). |
Error | "unavailableGiftCard" | "Gift card {0} is not available to use anymore" | Gift card not available. |
Error | "invalidGiftCard" | "Invalid GiftCard {0} code" | Gift card is invalid. |
Error | "noFundsGiftCard" | "Gift card {0} has no funds" | Gift card has no founds. |
Error | "unusedGiftCard" | "Gift card {0} not needed to be used" | Gift card not used. |
Error | "giftCardCommunicationError" | "A communication error with gift card system has occurred" | There was a communication error with the GiftCard System. |
Error | "giftRegistryDataNotFound" | N/A - its not used on orderForm messages | Gift list data not found. |
Error | "giftRegistryInformationChanged" | N/A - its not used on orderForm messages | Gift registry information has changed. Check your shipping price. |
Error | "transactionMissingRequestData" | N/A - not used on order form messages. Used for conversion between Gateway error codes to Checkout error codes on Gateway exceptions. | No valid transaction found. |
Error | "transactionInvalidRequiredParameter" | N/A - not used on order form messages. Used for conversion between Gateway error codes to Checkout error codes on Gateway exceptions. | One or more required parameters for the transaction are invalid. |
Error | "transactionUnauthorized" | N/A - not used on order form messages. Used for conversion between Gateway error codes to Checkout error codes on Gateway exceptions. | The transaction was not authorized. |
Error | "transactionAuthorizationDenied" | N/A - not used on order form messages. Used for conversion between Gateway error codes to Checkout error codes on Gateway exceptions. | The transaction was denied. |
Error | "transactionNotApproved" | N/A - not used on order form messages. Used for conversion between Gateway error codes to Checkout error codes on Gateway exceptions. | The transaction has not been approved. |
Error | "transactionAnalyzingRisk" | N/A - not used on order form messages. Used for conversion between Gateway error codes to Checkout error codes on Gateway exceptions. | The transaction risk is being analyzed. |
Error | "transactionInRiskAnalysis" | N/A - not used on order form messages. Used for conversion between Gateway error codes to Checkout error codes on Gateway exceptions. | The transaction is in the process of risk analysis. |
Error | "transactionCannotBeSettled" | N/A - not used on order form messages. Used for conversion between Gateway error codes to Checkout error codes on Gateway exceptions. | The transaction cannot be established. |
Error | "transactionRejectedByAntifraud" | N/A - not used on order form messages. Used for conversion between Gateway error codes to Checkout error codes on Gateway exceptions. | The transaction was rejected by the anti-fraud system. |
Error | "transactionAuthenticationFailed" | N/A - not used on order form messages. Used for conversion between Gateway error codes to Checkout error codes on Gateway exceptions. | There was a failure to authenticate the transaction. |
Error | "transactionAuthorizationDeniedWithoutCause" | N/A - not used on order form messages. Used for conversion between Gateway error codes to Checkout error codes on Gateway exceptions. | The transaction was denied without a specific reason. |
Error | "transactionInvalidRequest" | N/A - not used on order form messages. Used for conversion between Gateway error codes to Checkout error codes on Gateway exceptions. | The transaction order is invalid. |
Error | "gatewayServiceTimeout" | N/A - not used on order form messages. Used for conversion between Gateway error codes to Checkout error codes on Gateway exceptions. | Communication with the Gateway service exceeded the maximum allowed time limit. |
Error | "gatewayCommunicationError" | N/A - not used on order form messages. Used for conversion between Gateway error codes to Checkout error codes on Gateway exceptions. | There was a communication error with the Gateway System. |
Error | "paymentUnauthorized" | N/A - not used on order form messages. Used for conversion between Gateway error codes to Checkout error codes on Gateway exceptions. | Payment was not authorized. |
Error | "paymentPending" | N/A - not used on order form messages. Used for conversion between Gateway error codes to Checkout error codes on Gateway exceptions. | Payment is pending. |
Error | "associationsServiceTimeout" | N/A - not used on order form messages. Used for logs of timeouts with Payments Associations service. | Communication with the Associations service exceeded the maximum allowed time limit. |
Error | "ORD027" | "Item {0} not found or unavailable" | The item is not available or not found. |
Error | "ORD028" | "Item {0} is unavailable" | The item is not available. |
Info | "cartMaxProductCountReached" | "Cart has already reached max limit of {0} items" | The cart has reached the maximum number of items allowed. |
Info | "giftRegistryCommunicationError" | "Fail to get information of the gift registry" | Failed to get shopping list information. |
Info | "subscriptionNotAllowedToOrderFormWithoutItens" | "It's not allowed to insert subscription data in the cart without itens" | It is not allowed to enter subscription data in a cart without items. |
Warning | "changedFreight" | "Freight type has changed" | Shipping type has changed. |
Warning | "unavailableSelectedPayment" | "The selected payment is not available anymore" | The selected payment method is no longer available. |
Warning | "optimizationUnavailableItemReplaced" | "Item {0} was unavailable and has been replaced with another from seller {1}" | The item was out of stock and was replaced by another item from the same seller. |
Warning | "itemAttachmentsRemoved" | "Some item attachments are not available anymore and have been removed from your cart" | Some attachments are no longer available and have been removed from the cart. |
Warning | "invalidItemAttachmentKeyValue" | "Some item attachments have invalid key values" | Some attachments have invalid identifiers. |
Warning | "bundleItemsRemoved" | "Some services are not available anymore and have been removed from your cart" | Some services are no longer available and have been removed from the cart. |
Warning | "changedPriceValue" | "Items value has changed" | Item value has changed. |
Warning | "changedFreightPrice" | "Freight value has changed" | Shipping cost has changed. |
Warning | "itemQuantityNotAvailable" | "The desired quantity for item {0} is not available" | The desired quantity for the item is not available. |
Warning | "GiftUnavailable" | "Gift {0} is unavailable and was removed from cart" | One or more gifts are unavailable and have been removed from your cart. |
Warning | "orderCommercialConditionsCannotBeMaintained" | "Your cart has changed, so price conditions from original order have been lost. A new order will be created and the original one should be manually cancelled" | The commercial conditions of the cart were not maintained. |