The shipping-simulator
block estimates the shipping fee based on a zip code input.
- Import the
app to your theme's dependencies in themanifest.json
file as in the following example:
_10 "dependencies": {_10 "": "3.x"_10 }
- Add the
block to any child of thestore.product
template (Product Details Page template). For example:
_10 "store.product": {_10 "children": [_10 "flex-layout.row#product",_10 ]_10 },_10 "flex-layout.row#product": {_10 "children": [_10+ "shipping-simulator"_10 ]_10 },
- Then, declare the
block using the props stated in the Props table. For example:
_10 "shipping-simulator": {_10 "props": {_10 "skuID": "342"_10 }_10 },
Prop name | Type | Description | Default value |
pricingMode | enum | If the product has gifts or attachments, for example, you can choose whether the shipping information will be grouped (grouped ) by shipping type or showing the shipping prices for each of the items individually (individualItems ). | individualItems |
seller | String | ID of the product seller. | - |
shouldUpdateOrderForm | Boolean | Whether interacting with the simulator should update the shopper's address in their orderForm . | true |
skuId | String | ID of the current product SKU. | - |
To apply CSS customizations in this and other blocks, follow the Using CSS handles for store customization guide.
CSS Handles |
shippingContainer |
shippingContainerLoader |
shippingCTA |
shippingInputLoader |
shippingNoMessage |
shippingTable |
shippingTableBody |
shippingTableCell |
shippingTableCellDeliveryEstimate |
shippingTableCellDeliveryName |
shippingTableCellDeliveryPrice |
shippingTableHead |
shippingTableHeadDeliveryEstimate |
shippingTableHeadDeliveryName |
shippingTableHeadDeliveryPrice |
shippingTableLabel |
shippingTableRadioBtn |
shippingTableRow |
shippingZipcodeLabel |
shippingZipcodeLabelLoader |