My Account Commons is a bundle of canonical components that can be used to create new tabs to be inserted on the
DISCLAIMER: In order to this components work, they need to be children of
To import it into your code:
_10import {_10 ContentWrapper,_10 BaseLoading,_10 GenericError,_10} from ''
You can use it in your code like a React component with the jsx tag: <ContentWrapper>
_10<ContentWrapper_10 namespace="my-custom-page"_10 title={`${orderTitle} ${orderNumber}`}_10 backButton={backButton}>_10 {({ handleError }) => children}_10</ContentWrapper>
Prop name | Type | Description |
title | String | The string that will appear on the page title. |
titleId | String | Intl message id that will be translated and inserted on the page title. |
backbutton.title | String | The string that will appear as a message on the backbutton. |
backbutton.titleId | String | Intl message id that will be translated and inserted as the go back message. |
backbutton.path | String! | Location which the user will be lead to when hit the backbutton. |
headerContent | node | JSX that wil be inserted as children of the . |
namespace | String! | Css namespace that will be added to the page body. |
The ContentWrapper
uses the render prop pattern and returns to its children an object with the following props:
Render prop
Prop name | Type | Description |
handlError | Function | Function that will be called when the user dismisses the error message. |
This component should be used to implement your own Loader, it analyses the result of a graphql query and displays the loader Skeleton or an error message if any error occurs with retry option to call refetch on the query.
_10<BaseLoading queryData={data} headerConfig={object}>_10 {children}_10</BaseLoading>
Prop name | Type | Description |
queryData | QueryResult | Apollo Graphql query result. |
headerConfig | ContentWProps | The props that will be passed to the ContentWrapper . |
nameSpace | String | The name space prop that will be passed to the ContentWrapper . vtex-base-loading is applied if none is passed |
parseError | Function | Function that parses the graphql error and returns a messageId. |
A wrapper for the vtex.styleguide/Alert
_10<GenericError onDismiss={handleError} errorId={error} />
Prop name | Type | Description |
error | String | The error message that will be displayed on the Alert . |
errorId | String | Intl message id that will be translated and inserted on the Alert . |
onDismiss | Function | Function that will be called when the user hits the close button. |
Disclaimer about react/Router.js file
Read carefully the instructions within the file before editing it.